Install Kubernetes
Canonical Kubernetes is pure upstream and works on any infrastructure, from bare metal to public clouds and edge. Deploy single-node and multi-node clusters to support container orchestration, from testing to production. Get the latest innovations from the Kubernetes community within a week of upstream release, enabling your team to learn, experiment and upskill.
Kubernetes cluster with K8s snap
Install Kubernetes with a single command. Canonical Kubernetes comes with in-built networking, gateway, local storage, DNS, load balancer, metrics server and ingress.
Install the K8s snap
sudo snap install k8s --classic
Don’t have the snap command? Get set for snaps
Bootstrap the cluster
sudo k8s bootstrap
View status of your installation
sudo k8s status
Start using Kubernetes
sudo k8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces
To create a cluster out of two or more already-running Kubernetes instances, use the k8s join-cluster command. With three or more control plane nodes you will automatically get high availability.
Generate token on the already existing control-plane node
sudo k8s get-join-token --worker
To join the worker node to the cluster, run on the worker node
sudo k8s join-cluster <join-token>
Verify the worker node successfully joined the cluster, by running on the control-plane node
sudo k8s kubectl get nodes
Multi-node Kubernetes cluster with K8s charm
Get automated Kubernetes operations from bare-metal to the cloud. Build your Kubernetes cluster from the ground up, integrate it with your favorite tools, and create multi-cloud topologies.
Multi-node Kubernetes
with Cluster API
With Canonical Kubernetes you can deploy and operate Kubernetes through Cluster API (CAPI) bootstrap and infrastructure providers.