Multi-cloud Kubernetes management with Portainer

This article is more than 3 year s old.

If you feel intimidated by Kubernetes’ complexity but still need to modernize your business applications with containers, rest assured you’re not the only one. The container orchestration platform solves many problems but also creates new ones, so read on to find out about a new approach that can help you get just the benefits.

Our friends over at Portainer have been recently experimenting with Canonical’s Kubernetes distributions and created tutorials on how to run their container management system, which significantly simplifies the Kubernetes experience through an intuitive UI. They started small with MicroK8s, a lightweight Kubernetes for edge and IoT, and then looked at more complex enterprise use cases with Charmed Kubernetes on the Azure cloud.

The following tutorial is a direct repost of the original article on blog.

Follow the Tutorial

You can also follow along on youtube here:

Install Charmed Kubernetes

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